RPM Kahu
Kāhu is the Māori name for the New Zealand Swamp Harrier, a large, tawny-brown bird of prey that occurs throughout New Zealand. It is an opportunistic hunter that searches for food by slowly quartering the ground with its large wings held in a distinctive shallow V-shape.
Adapted to hunt in open habitats, its numbers have benefited from widespread forest clearance and the development of agriculture. Although carrion is a major component of the harrier’s diet, it also actively hunts live prey such as small birds, mammals and insects.
Capable dispersers, birds from New Zealand visit islands as far north as the Kermadec Islands and as far south as Campbell Island. Known for their dramatic ‘sky-dancing’ courtship display the swamp harrier is the largest of the 16 species of harriers found worldwide.
mjw1174 –
I’ve had the Kahu in my bag for about a month now and I can’t see I’m impressed with this disc. Maybe I have a dud, but it doesn’t live up to the hype that the Kahu seems to get from other reviews. I bought a Platinum Kahu which is simply beautiful to look at. The feel of the plastic is also great and feels comfortable to throw. However, the flight is where it all falls down for me. I bought this disc as a backup for my Star Destroyer, which is one of my favourite long range drivers. I have a fairly strong throw and can make my Destroyer flip if I give it a good rip. Now, out of the box, the Kahu is crazy over stable. On my first few throws I could rip it as hard as I could with a 45 degree anhyzer and the disc would quickly roll into a hyzer and end up hitting the ground vertically with a hard fade at the end. I’ve since beaten in the disc with half an hour in the clothes dryer and the stability has improved but it is still too overstable for my liking. It does work well for strong headwinds but that is about all I’ll use it for at the moment. I’ll work on it some more and hopefully after some more beating in it will start to behave a little less over stable. I definitely wouldn’t recommend this disc unless you have a super arm and want a crazy over stable distance driver.